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K2 blackpearl: Command-line deployment hangs

I tried to deploy a K2 blackpearl process (developed and tested on server DEV in domain A) to a test environment (server TEST, domain B) via the command line, but it freezes at some stage.

Normally you could deploy a process from within Visual Studio with a click on “Deploy”. Then you will get a wizard to choose your environment. If your environments are not on the same domain, K2 blackpearl supports the deployment through the command line.

In Visual Studio right click on the process and select “Create Deploy Package”. After it finishes, you will find some files in the obj\Debug folder. One file is a .msbuild file.

I copied all files, as mentioned in the K2 docu, to the target machine and fired up:
msbuild MyProcess.msbuild /p:Environment=Test

First, it looks good, because my InfoPath form was deployed to the SharePoint site, then the console showed the following lines:

Deploy Processes: Task Started (26.02.2009 17:00:00)
Adding Process : MyProcess\Demo1

Nothing more! I waited about 30 minutes, but nothing happened, no error messages, nothing.

Long story short: The solution is, that the value of the “SharePoint Target Site” environment field MUST end with a “/” (e.g. “http://mossServer/targetSite/”)! You can change this within Visual Studio in the Environment Browser or directly in the .msbuild file.

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Windows 7 und OpenSearch

Eine sehr coole Neuerung in Windows 7 ist, dass OpenSearch in den Explorer integriert ist.

So kann man eine einfache Textdatei erstellen und diese in *.osdx umbenennen. Der Inhalt ist einfaches XML. Hier das ganze mal für mein Blog: marcos blog search.osdx

Nach dem download einfach die OSDX Datei doppelklicksen und schon hat man mein blog in die Windows Search integriert. Und so siehts aus wenn man nach “sharepoint” sucht:

osdx search

Das ganze kann man natürlich leicht anpassen und für diverse Seiten einbauen.

Chris Pirillo hat das ganze schon mal für Amazon, eBay, etc hier gemacht, dort gibts auch ein ZIP file mit einigen search connectors.

AutoHistory for Word 2007

I’ve created a new little tool, which is called AutoHistory (for Word 2007).

I got the inspiration from Visual Local History for Visual Studio. This tool automatically creates a backup every time you save a file.

AutoHistory now provides the same functionality within Word 2007. Everytime you save your document (and something has changed), a backup is created.

From now on you will never lost important information. You can restore every version you’ve ever saved, even if you do not use a version control system (like Team Foundation Server or Subversion).

This tool is fully integrated in Word 2007 within the View Ribbon:


If you check the checkbox you will see all saved versions of the current document:


Within this taskpane you can easily view and restore every version.

You can download the setup from here:

Please feel free to drop me a line, if you have any questions or suggestions: mail at mwiedemeyer dot de.