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SPSync v0.9 is now available

Ok, the last version is almost 9 month old, but now I finally had some time to look through all comments on uservoice and now proudly present the new version.

What’s new?

The major change is: SPSync now supports Office 365 authentication which means, you can finally use SPSync with SharePoint Online and SkyDrive Pro. Just select "Office365" from the authentication list and enter your username ( or and your password. Domain is not required.


Also an issue with creating folders is now fixed and it doesn’t matter anymore whether the title of a document library is not the same as the URL of the document library.

A reminder: The "Conflict Handling" is a setting just for conflicts. If you select "Overwrite local changes" it does not mean that a full sync is done. A conflict is if a file is modified locally and remotely. All other files are sync’ing independently from this setting.

Download the new version here: and leave a comment or drop me a line at
support (at) spsync(dot) net

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